Proposal 26: 7C7.1.1 Creativity bonus [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Freestyle Development Committee
Submitted on 2017-04-02
Status: Set-Aside (Reviewed from June 17, 2017 to June 23, 2017)


Every new trick that has never been performed before and is not in the online-trick-list is marked red in the riders trick list and earns a creativity bonus and doubles the difficulty value of the trick.


old: Originality:

In Artistic Freestyle, new skills are less important than in Flatland. How-
ever, skills with unique variations that are completely new or with new approaches will
get more points. Originality is mainly judged in Performance (section 7C.7.2).
Skills with unique variations that are completely new or with new approaches will
get a creativity bonus by doubling their difficulty value.



If we want to see creative tricks that make routines exciting to watch we have to honour them with additional points for the extra effort and extra risk.



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