Proposal 25: 7C7.1 Technical Score with trick list [ Revision 1 ]

Committee: Freestyle Development Committee
Submitted on 2017-04-02
Status: Set-Aside (Reviewed from June 17, 2017 to June 23, 2017)


Quantity and difficulty of tricks and transitions  should be combined and calculated to a difficulty value that is translated to max 25 points as follows:

actual trick value = Calculated sum of all trick values of the rider - deviations
Difficulty score = actual trick value x 22 points / best trick value in this discipline at last unicon  ( max 25 points)

For execution max 15 points are given



7C.7.1 Individual Freestyle – Technical Score
The Technical part of the judging is broken into three parts. Three scores will be given
by each judge, values ranging from 0 to 10, or from 0 to 15 as follows:
Quantity of Unicycling Skills And Transitions (0-10 points)
Mastery And Quality of Execution (0-15 points)
Difficulty And Duration (0-15 points)
Technical Total:
40 points
7C.7.1 Individual Freestyle – Technical Score
The Technical part of the judging is broken into two parts. Three scores will be given
by each judge, values ranging from 0 to 15, or from 0 to 25 as follows:
Quantity and Difficulty of Unicycling Skills And Transitions (0-25 points)
Mastery And Quality and duration of Execution (0-15 points)

Technical Total:
40 points
Riders are encouraged to submit by e-mail a list with their tricks and transitions with difficulty values for every technical judge as excel sheet with the following columns and the sum of value:
Trick number, description, value, deviation, execution.
New tricks additional to the online-trick-values should be marked red.
For barely execution 0 is given in execution column, for every professionaly executed and easy looking trick up to 2 half points are added. (max 15)
actual trick value = Calculated sum of all trick values of the rider - deviations
Difficulty score = actual trick value x 22 points / best trick value in this discipline at last unicon  ( max 25 points)
The difficulty values are revised after every competition and published at the freestyle-committees website. 


We have tested this method at the bavarian championship and all judges found it less stressful and providing better results.
Riders liked that all their tricks and details were seen and valued.




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